Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Doggie Gets a Hair Cut

So why would anyone shave such a beautiful dog? Because as he has aged his hair has become thicker and his ability to manage the heat seems to have lessened. The flea and tick drops from the vet also have failed to prevent him from picking up ticks in the backyard. MY guess is that his fur was too thick to get full protection. The last straw was finding a bloated and popped tick in the kitchen that my baby had stepped on and tracked all over the floor.

I swore years ago I would never cut his hair because he was so beautiful but between the previously stated problems and the amount of hair that has litterally clogged the vacumm cleaner I decided it was best. This way The baby has almost no where to grab onto Bluew and pull his hair. I call that a bonus.

It's all just one more sign of my changing priorities, and the limits of my time. I could have put more energy into brushing out Bluew but my back hurts, and my back hurts, and Grady needs me, and well... my back hurts. I still love the dog a lot, but there is more on my plate.

As to why the haircut is so ugly, I did it my self with a dull clipper set. It took way too long but Bluew was a really good sport. Now Mark he calls Bluew the "Ack Ack Dog" after the characters in Mars Attacks. When the neighbor saw him the first thing he said was "I thought that dog was fat, but he's not." I told you guys...

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